Nature's Sunshine Products ets. 1972
Nature's Sunshine Products ets. 1972
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Digest This

Digest This

You’ve heard the saying, "You are what you eat." While this is partly true, the real essence lies in our ability to digest what we consume. We are essentially the product of what we eat, break down, and absorb. In other words, we are what we digest.

Digestion is a remarkable process through which our bodies convert everything we consume into smaller, usable particles. When functioning properly, these particles are absorbed in the intestines, enter the bloodstream, and are transported throughout the body to nourish our trillions of cells.

When digestion is poor, you don't feel well. And when you don't feel well, it's challenging to be functional or happy.


The process of digestion starts in your mouth as chewing crushes food into smaller pieces. Your saliva adds enzymes that help break down any starches.

The food you swallow travels down your esophagus and into your stomach, where chemical digestion begins. Different acids work to convert food, especially proteins, into a substance called chyme, which then flows into the small intestine. This process normally takes 2–4 hours. Any longer than that, and you know that something’s wrong.

In the duodenum (an upper section of the small intestine), digestive juices like bile from the gallbladder and enzymes produced by the pancreas break down carbohydrates, fats and proteins into smaller molecules. Most of the water and nutrients from chyme are absorbed into the bloodstream here. The remaining material is directed to the large intestine or colon. There, tiny microorganisms break down fiber, producing metabolites, vitamins B and K, and other usable nutrients. The leftover waste goes to the rectum for elimination.

Proper and efficient digestion provides the body with building blocks and other resources that create energy and provide needed repair and maintenance. All of the body’s other systems rely on the digestive system to function properly so they can work in harmony with each other.

So supporting your digestive system truly supports your entire body. But sometimes things go awry.

  • The global antacid market is estimated to reach $18.7 BILLION by December 2025
  • Constipation is the most common gastrointestinal complaint
  • Approx 20% of NZers have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • In western countries, women are impacted by IBS twice as much as men
  • IBS appears to run in families
  • New research links many symptoms of IBS with hypersensitive nerves in the wall of the GI tract. For some people, the gut nerves communicate differently with the brain, or the brain processes the information differently.

With tummy troubles affecting millions of us across the globe, good habits, a healthy diet and supportive supplementation are more important than ever. 


Food Enzymes enhance digestion by adding to your body’s own production of enzymes. A blend of natural ingredients helps you digest foods better, so you can receive maximum nutritional value and avoid occasional indigestion.

Lower Bowel Support supports bowel function, helping to maintain regularity and intestinal comfort. Elimination is important, and it should be quick and easy. 

Everybody’s Fiber is specially designed to help soothe an irritated gut, help cleanse the digestive system and encourage smooth elimination.

Bifidophilus Flora Force replenishes your gut microbiome with billions of living, friendly flora every day. These good guys are on your side and can help you win more battles in the gut. Having enough friendly bacteria, or probiotics, is absolutely vital to gut and immune health. 

CleanStart® helps kick start your natural cleansing and detoxification processes in an easy to use 14-day program. Poor eating habits, environmental toxins and unfriendly bacteria in the colon can put undue and harmful stress on the gut and the entire body. 

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