Nature's Sunshine Products ets. 1972
Nature's Sunshine Products ets. 1972
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Fat Grabbers

Fat Grabbers

Many kiwis struggle with weight and although most of us know what we should and shouldn't be doing when it comes to eating and exercise, the thought and the doing can be a bit far apart from each other.

We all need to find a healthy balance that includes not only good food choices, but doing regular exercise, getting adequate sleep and finding ways to reduce life's stresses.

For a little extra weight management support you could try adding in a new product of ours called Fat Grabbers. This fat grabbing formula is designed to support weight-management by reducing the absorption of dietary fats and facilitating their elimination.

The ingredients chosen for this formula include:

Lecithin - to help emulsify fats and reduce food intake, and has shown to support healthy LDL cholesterol. The fat-binding properties of fiber from Guar Gum and Psyllium Hulls help interfere with the absorption of the emulsified fat from the small intestine. The bound fat molecules are then eliminated through the intestinal tract. Guar Gum can help reduce caloric intake and hunger. Psyllium has shown to support healthy body weight and fat and maintains regular bowel movements. The last ingredient in this blend is Chickweed - this helps breaks down fats and inhibits their absorption. It also has a mild diuretic and laxative action.

Nature’s Sunshine Fat Grabbers can be taken with each meal to help reduce the fat consumption.


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